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TITLE:  Tired of Church?
EXT:  Acts 20:7-12
PROPOSITION:  Churchanity is not Christianity.
KEY WORD:  Possibilities



1.        Godly people are tired of “churchanity”

2.        Dull, lifeless, drowsy, hum-drum, ho hum religion

3.        Many have spent hours in the pew – dreading every minute of it

4.        Some Christians have developed strong muscles in the eyelids

5.        God had a purpose for the church.


Some people’s view

  1. God looked down – saw man was enjoying life
  2. He said – Man is having too much fun
  3. What can I do? – I will start a church


Are you Ready?

  1. For this church to be what God intended it to be?
  2. Are you praying, planning, working toward this goal?
  3. Are you ready for worship - - -
    1. Uplifting, encouraging, positive?
    2. Where you are strengthened?
    3. You are more dedicated leaving than arriving?
  4. To make the sacrifice – work, time, energy, money, involvement?
  5. To welcome new members regularly?


Let’s Imagine - - -

  1. Not wanting the preacher to quit
  2. Worship that is warm and cheerful
  3. True, genuine fellowship
  4. Turning routine communion into meaningful L. S.
  5. Changing cold, formal, insensitive into warm, tender, compassionate
  6. A family atmosphere
  7. Elders begging you to STOP giving
  8. Souls being saved – DAILY
  9. This building used twice / three times each Sunday AM
  10. A church of 1500 ( ˝ of Pentecost)


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